Story of All Stories

Everybody seems to have a favorite Christmas ‘story’:

  • The one about that time you did (or didn’t) get the gift you really wanted
  • The one about the best (insert food here) that you’ve ever had
  • The one about how that Christmas was hard because…
  • The one about how that tradition started


Christmas is a time for stories. Is it any wonder that we also have our must-watch stories of the season, the movies that are timeless?

  • Home Alone
  • Miracle on 34th Street
  • White Christmas
  • Die Hard
  • Elf
  • It’s a Wonderful life
  • Any Hallmark movie (all the same!)


I’m sure I’ve left at least one of yours off and that’s ok, you’ve already watched it or are planning on it. Enjoy! I think Christmas is so packed with stories because God is the master storyteller. The greatest story ever told is the one where God chose to redeem us after we had broken the relationship. Christmas is about God keeping that promise and weaving that story into all the other stories we ever tell.


Christmas at Journey Church this year is about sharing the Story of all Stories and seeing our place in it. Enjoy!

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