Pastor Jesse Duckett

Discipleship & Connections Pastor

Life giving part of my ministry:
Being able to hang out with and get to know the people around me. Whether they have been at this church forever, or they’re a new person visiting for the first time, simply being able to be with people and listen to their stories gives me life.


Recent God at work in my life moment:
God has recently been demonstrating His complete control in my life. Moving from another state with my wife and three boys, learning a new job, and finding a permanent place to call home has felt, at times, very out of control. But God is using these experiences to remind me that He is always in control no matter how things seem. Through this, I am learning to trust Him more and more.


Failure you learned from:
I once ate something called the ‘Death Taco’ which required a signed waiver. I ate this taco along with a handful of leaders and students from my previous church. As I was experiencing what could only be described as a complete system shutdown, I learned that I am now old enough that I no longer need to prove myself through crazy stunts and competitions.


I am married to an amazingly talented wife since the end of 2009 and we have three brilliant and caring boys who definitely keep us on our toes.


Favorite movie:
Currently, my favorite movie is a toss-up between Interstellar and Top Gun: Maverick.


What you would do with a free afternoon and perfect weather:
I would love to spend this kind of afternoon out in the backyard with a good book.