HSM – Summer Venture
July 3 - 13
We are returning to Ahousaht, a small Native American village on Flores Island just off the west coast of Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. There are about 1800 residents in this secluded community which is accessible only by seaplane or boat. There is a great need on the island – both physically and spiritually. We were unable to return to Ahousaht for several years but this year we’re heading back. The amazing impact that we have had in the community over the last decade has been very rewarding and now we get to see what a new season of impact will look like.
This year, we will go to serve Jacob and Rachel Hawng. They are missionaries with The Fellowship and are pastoring the only church in Ahousaht, Maaqtusiis Community Church. They have an ongoing ministry to the children and teenagers on the island and we will be doing whatever serves their mission (VBS, Sunday School, Home visits, teen outreaches, etc.). It’s really exciting to be able to work with them this year!
Talk to Tim Vincent (206.304.1164) if you have questions or concerns.